6 Ways To Lose Belly Fat in No Time

There are many reasons you may want to lose stubborn belly fat—a boost in self-confidence, health reasons, etc. 

However, as we get older, it becomes harder to lose belly fat for a variety of reasons. Most of the time, it falls upon our metabolism, which slows down as we age. 

But for some people, this struggle is something they’ve fought since childhood. It’s merely more of a battle for some than others. Have you been searching for the best way to trim the waistline and get the body you’ve always wanted? 

Well, check out these six ways to do that in little to no time. 

Utilize Aerobic Exercises

Most people hate any type of aerobic exercise because it’s not very enjoyable. When you attempt to run, your legs start to tingle and itch, and your chest may begin to burn, but this is where most of us get it wrong. 

For starters, don’t try to jump into any aerobic exercise like a seasoned veteran. Start slowly by walking around the block, then move it up to a brisk speed walk, and then implement bursts of sprints in between. 

Overall, listen to your body and respond to it appropriately. If walking and running simply aren’t your thing, get yourself a jump rope or hit up an elliptical machine. 

If all else fails, do some old school aerobic exercises on your living room floor!

Cut Back on the Carbs

Carbs are an essential part of any diet because they give us the fuel we need to power through busy days. When cutting carbs, keep in mind there are good carbs and bad carbs. 

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Bad carbs are refined carbohydrates found in processed foods made with high amounts of sugar and white flour. Good carbs take longer for the body to break down and therefore are more beneficial for the body. 

Additionally, the fat and carb content from bad carbs sit in those areas where it’s harder to get rid of fat—tummy, hips, and thighs. 

Consume Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are foods like avocado, tuna, olive oil, nuts, seeds, etc. These types of foods give your body energy and support cell growth. They also help your body produce the right kind of chemicals and hormones needed for healthy living in general. 

When you’re on your quest to lose belly fat, you may get frustrated and want to give up because it can become stressful. Many people choose to pick up a CBD vape pen during this part of their weight loss journey to minimize the stress because it works naturally with the endocannabinoid system to produce full-body relaxation. 

Also, when you consume a diet high in healthy fats, it boosts the effectiveness of your CBD because CBD is a fat-soluble compound. Those healthy fats in your system allow your body to absorb more of the CBD content so you can be chill and stress-free through your weight loss journey. 

Eat a High Protein Breakfast

When you start your day with a high protein breakfast, you’re able to curb your appetite for a little longer. Often, we skip breakfast and end up eating something unhealthy because we’re starving and don’t have many options around. 

Some examples of high protein breakfast foods are turkey bacon, eggs, peanut butter, whole-grain toast, oatmeal, and many others. 

Find a morning eating routine that works for you—a couple of favorites you can alternate throughout the week. 

Drink LOTS of Water

When you drink an adequate amount of water, you’re able to minimize your belly fat. Water aids digestion, so when you’re able to flush that process, you’ll see your belly get smaller. 

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Also, many people like to start the day with warm lemon water because this speeds up the process even more. YOu should be drinking eight (eight-ounce) water glasses daily, but some people swear by the gallon process a day. 

Reduce Salt and Sugar Intake 

This is a big one for many of us. Doesn’t it seem like almost everything is filled with insane amounts of salt and sugar? 

A recent study highlights the fact that sugar is, in fact, more addictive than cocaine. This is mind-blowing because it makes us realize that’s why our bodies keep craving sweet and salty foods once we’ve consumed them for so long. 

A few reasons this happens, but one of the main ones is that these types of food release dopamine in the brain—signaling pleasure. Additionally, once you’ve consumed so much salt and sugar creates a specific type of gut bacteria that makes you crave more. 

Overall, this is one of the most important steps you can take to reduce belly fat extremely fast. 

Final Thoughts

If you want to lose belly fat quickly, you’ll need to adopt a healthy diet, exercise, and self-discipline. It’s easy to get started but harder to stay consistent. 

However, if you can stick with it, you’ll see that belly fat shrinks down in no time. Plus, you’ve built foundations for a healthy lifestyle!

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

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