Making The Most Of Your Phone

Considering the fact that our phones are glued to our side 24/7, it’s only logical that we use this to our advantage. Sorry, social media doesn’t count.

If you had to think about it, what’s the one thing you never leave home without? In fact, what is the one thing that moves around with you regardless of where you are? That’s right, we know about your “leisurely reading” in the bathroom. Jokes aside, phones have come a long way in recent years, so much so that they essentially run our lives. Technology has made everything from social media to work easily accessible and a lot less cumbersome to carry around.

So, while you have this gadget glued to your side, why not use it to its full potential and get more bang for your buck?

Tips for utilising your screen time

Use it to store important information

It can be difficult to remember things off the top of your head, and post-it notes are easy to misplace. To keep on top of things, why not use the Notes feature of your phone? You can even sync it with your email accounts to ensure that you always have access to it – how convenient? You can also schedule meetings and events – and then record the dates in your calendar, or even you a step further and use your phone’s voice recorder to capture everything you’re scared to forget.

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Use apps to simplify your life

Now that the world has become accustomed to remote working, on the go meetings are a reality. To help make it easier for you, you can download most business apps to your phone to stay on the ball and get your work done regardless of where you may be. This can even span into your personal life, where you can download a virtual personal trainer to get you moving or use an app like The Entertainer to organise your social life.

Retail therapy anyone?

If you love the feeling of buying really cool things but not so much the crowds associated with shopping, we’ve got a treat for you. Online shopping has grown, and you can access almost all your favourite stores online. Say goodbye to crowds and hello to retail freedom. We feel that it is worth mentioning that you only buy goods from trusted sites to ensure your safety and make sure that your order arrives.

The more you know

Online courses can be accessed and completed on your smartphone if you choose to. You can even download apps to assist you in brushing up on your skills and learning a new hobby. You can also access eBooks to read your favourite novels and magazines – the options are endless.

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It’s more than simply a phone

Remember when your phone was only used to make phone calls? While we would like to say that it was back in the good old days, we feel that the good days are here as now you can enjoy racing betting online and so much more in the palm of your hand. You have a tiny device that’s able to take on more than we could’ve ever imagined – and it’s only just the beginning.

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

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Beat The Laundry Day Blues

Sat Apr 24 , 2021
It is the one time a week we all dread – laundry day. It is tedious, time-consuming, and to be quite honest, painful. We are here to ease the hassle.
Beat The Laundry Day Blues