Is it Possible to Get Car Insurance Under $100/Month?

There is no doubt that for many people the best car insurance company is the one that offers the cheapest premiums together with the needed coverage. Nowadays it is required by law to have car insurance. That’s why the number of car insurance companies is increasing and they are on a competitive edge. Any insurance company will do its best to sell you a policy.

You will be surprised that you can get car insurance for less than $100 a month by getting direct auto insurance with the right company. This can reduce your premium a lot and put serious savings in your pocket. Most people are not aware of the types of discounts that are available. Online sites offer the best prices for car insurance by displaying the types of discounts available. 

Discount for Persons with No Traffic Violations

Some examples are discounts for persons who have had accident free driving for 3 years without any other traffic violations or accidents. Good driver discounts can save a driver 10% or more. There are also discounts for good students, for senior adults, and also for teachers. The best coverage which takes into account all these discounts can be applied after you apply for auto insurance 30 a month. Many customers have saved $500 or more by switching to 

While in search of a good and direct auto insurance company take into consideration whether a company has a history of providing good service. You should check any given information. Be a decisive customer and ask as many questions as possible. Direct auto insurance company worth working with will provide you with any requested information. Moreover, reliable companies offer general car insurance for less than $100 a month. The more you know the better. One should take into account the price, financial strengths and weaknesses, reliability and service.

Every State Has a Department of Insurance

Such departments have their own web sites where you can find useful information about car insurance companies and even consumers complaints if any. There you may also see a list of insurance companies with the lowest premium quotes and with the lowest complaint’s ratios. Another way is to look at A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s ratings. 

These companies take responsibility for publishing financial strengths and weaknesses of all insurance companies. Their sites have information about the insurance companies’ ability to pay out a claim. You can purchase car insurance directly from a company’s representative (companies like Geico, Esurance,, etc. allow you to do that). All you need is to call a customer service representative or apply online for car insurance for less than $100 a month. You can use State Farm or Allstate websites to study the networks of local agents.

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An Agent May Work for One Insurance Company or for Several

The latter is known as an independent agent. Sometimes independent agents charge fees for their work. The greatest advantage of dealing with an agent is that the agent is directly interested in selling you a policy. That’s why the agent looks into your situation deeper and tries to offer the policy to meet your needs in particular. Ask your agent about the cheapest car insurance.

Still the best car insurance company remains the company that provides good insurance at an affordable reasonable price. Given the same quality of coverage, type of coverage and deductible, the best insurance company is the one that offers the lowest price.

Car Insurance Is Needed Only After You Have Bought a Vehicle

But you should know that insurance companies divide car models into different groups. There are nearly 20 car groupings in the car insurance business. The premium you pay depends on the group your car belongs to. So, if your car belongs to the group rated for high premiums, you pay higher premiums. In that case there is no way to apply for car insurance for less than $100 a month. That’s why before buying a car, compare car insurance rates. It will help you get lowest car insurance rates later on.

Take into account that direct auto insurance companies also divide areas into groups: high risk, medium risk, low risk and no risk areas. 

What Are High Risk Areas?

High risk areas are those that have a high level of car theft, vandalism and violence. If you are willing to lower insurance rates, choose a peaceful neighborhood. Get several free non-obligatory quotes and compare the returned quotes. You will be impressed how much you are able to save on the place of residence and the place of your work as well.

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The deductible doesn’t come last in reducing the cost of car insurance. Deductibles vary with every offered form of insurance coverage. For many people, raising the deductible is an excellent way to save money. Before raising the deductible compare your monthly savings with the money you would pay in case of a possible accident. It is one of the factors that requires perfect consideration.

Direct Auto Insurance Companies Pay Attention to Your Credit History

Statistics show that people with good credit records have fewer accidents and are less risky for car insurance companies. People who maintain a good credit history are most likely to get car insurance under $100.

Some companies offer group car insurance policies to large companies and organizations. There are discounts for those who buy home and car policies from the same company.

Direct insurance companies base their insurance rates on the risk factor. A clean driving record is the best way to reduce premiums. Under a clean driving record insurance companies understand no accidents, drunk driving convictions or moving violations (although, some companies can forgive past accidents after a period of time – from 2 to 5 years). 

Something Wrong with Your Driving

The company may increase your insurance rate even if you have had several no-fault accidents. Several no-fault accidents mean that there is something wrong with your driving. Safety features decrease the risk and as a result the company can give you lower insurance rates (e.g. anti-lock brakes, automatic seatbelts, anti-theft devices, car alarms, air bags, etc.). Using a garage for keeping your car is also considered a safety feature.

Finally, the answer is yes, it’s possible to get car insurance for less than $100 a month. No wonder you’ll have to spend a lot of time to find lower car insurance rate. Larger and more reliable companies offer, as a rule, more favourable conditions and more discounts.

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

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