Boost Economies By Harnessing Technology

Technology has the power to change lives. This is something that has become increasingly more obvious in recent times.

Unless you missed the last year, you will know that the world has had to change rather rapidly in order to survive. A task that we have successfully navigated and as a result now have access to innovative technologies that seemed like a future solution.

This has presented an opportunity to adapt and grow when it comes to business, something that is necessary if we are to keep growing our economies. Harnessing technology is one of the first steps to ensuring relevance and business resilience in a digital world.

Digital transformation is a buzzword that has been doing the rounds, and as the name implies, it is the process of transforming a business to become more digitally inclined. It requires accepting and adapting to change to have a more streamlined business with increase efficiency while reducing costs.

Maintaining the momentum of digital transformation

While the pandemic may have accelerated the digital transformation process, it does not end here. Technologies are constantly evolving in a bid to make our lives easier. For many, remote working was never a possibility, and yet, in March 2020, most of the world made the move to remote working almost overnight. We have discovered new tools to keep businesses operational that are less cumbersome than the systems and equipment we were using only a few months ago.

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To keep up with these ever-evolving conditions, businesses need to stay on the pulse of technology updates and developments and determine whether or not it will be beneficial to their business. It is about looking at what you currently have in place and finding ways of updating the process using state of the art technology.

This may sound like an expensive, time-consuming process. It is not. with more and more technology being developed every day, tech giants have had to make their prices competitive to ensure that consumers select their solutions. The beauty of using digital technology is that you can install it yourself. You do not need an IT technician to do the job. The same can be said for system upgrades and updates. It is a process as simple as click a button.

Ensuring business continuity

Many people were unprepared for the digital transformation that was forced upon us and only now know how to register to play. However, the businesses that were equipped to do so were the businesses that we’re able to operate unaffected by the pandemic for the most part. By taking note of these new technologies, business owners can ensure that should the world go through a similar, life-altering event, their business will continue to operate and generate an income. This ensures job security and survival, something that we took for granted for such a long time.

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Technology is not something to be feared, it is here to transform the way we live and the way we do business. People are quick to assume that robots will be taking our jobs, but someone needs to build and manage the production and development of these technologies, creating new business opportunities in the process.

Johnny Thompson

Johnny Thompson is a senior reporter for Generator Research in Los Angeles, reporting on technology, business, finances, and more. He previously worked as a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and got his start at newspapers in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts.

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Sat Apr 24 , 2021
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Will The Future Of Work Be Bleak